100% Transparent Process

From our farms to your table we make sure we provide you complete information on how we do it.


We take personal care at each and every tree

All the fruits are harvested from our own farms in Srinivasapura, ripened, packaged and marketed at an in-house facility located at Hosahalli. Direct benefit to farmers avoiding all middlemen.

Intelligent Irrigation

Proper irrigation scheduling, especially during the period of plant growth and fruit development, plays vital role in the sustainability of orchard. Shri Mango farms uses a Drip Irrigation method to provide adequate water to the mango trees.

Sustainable Natural Manure

At Shri Mangoes, as a substitute for chemical fertilizers we use natural compost from the livestock. This helps improve the mango quality without harming the fertility of the soil. Shri Mangoes always looks out for opportunities to be sustainable.

Natural Pollination

Honey Bee colonies are maintained in all Shri Mango Farms to ensure and promote faster and natural pollination process. Natural pollinators, like bees, pollinate flowers randomly, essentially mixing up their genomes and increasing genetic diversity.

How do we protect our trees from insects and diseases?

  • To arrest the insects (Ooji/Uzi etc) that causes fruit damage we have adapted Fruit flytraps from standard companies.
  • In order to maintain the health of the plant and fruit and avoid infections that can damage the fruit, we use basic pesticides in regular intervals of time.
  • To avoid the chemical residuals, we do not engage in any sprays before the last 30days of harvest.

Harvested by hand

  • Only mature fruits are cut as the fruit maturity is the main factor in determining the flavour of ripe mangoes.
  • Every Mango is handpicked, kept on the De-sapping stands to avoid the sap damage. Fruits from each tree will be harvested 3-4 times to pluck only the matured ones.
  • We take pre-orders and harvest only on demand to ensure they can be consumed Fresh by the time they reach your doors.
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Ripened with care

The de-sapped fruits are then washed and wiped to ensure there are no residuals on them. To provide optimum ripening environment, the ripening chambers are cooled and maintained at 18-20 degree centigrade. To provide longer shelf-life, humidifiers are installed which maintain the humidity of the chambers at 90-95%

Making sure you have an authentic experience

After the ripening, the fruits and graded, packaged and delivered to you with utmost care and hygiene. We use surface disinfectants at our warehouse and all workers are vaccinated and trained with hygiene practices.

Supervised Grading

Over-sized/under-sized /blemished /diseased/damaged fruits will be removed at sorting table. Though maturity indices are taken care at the harvesting stage, it is again done before the packing to avoid over-ripened or under-ripened fruits to be packed.

Biodegradable Packaging

Standard corrugated cartoon boxes are used, with adequate ventilation. We ensure to ship the mangoes from the ripening chamber within 48 hours of harvesting.

Optimized Delivery

We plan the delivery such that you receive the mangoes in ready to eat condition at the perfect ripeness. We work with India Post to provide 1 day delivery from ripening center to your door.

Premium quality fruit protection

  • A certain fruit in the field is wrapped in fruit covers.
  • Fruit covers allow the fruit to breathe inside the bag & The bag paper is waterproof against rain.
  • The bag can avoid fruits being hurt by strong sunshine, germs, birds & files.
  • Bag helps to maintain a constant temperature inside which helps consistency.

Scientific Approach

We have consulted well-known scientists from IIHR, KVK, and UAS; who have about 30+ yrs of experience on the topic and done their researches on pre and post-harvesting of mangoes.

Authentic Srinivasapura Mangoes online. Get a box of delicious ripened mangoes directly from the farms of Karnataka


No. 107, Hosahalli, Hogalagere Post, Srinivasapura Taluk, Kolar - 563138



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